A Little About Me

I’m Danielle.

I’m in my late 20’s. I am a stay at home mom and a wife. I am currently working my way into starting up my own organic produce farm. I take classes here and there (as children and time allow) to get a degree in Agribusiness Management.

My hubby “Hubbs” is my high school sweetheart. We’ve been together for 9 years and married for 5. His family has beef cattle and he works on a poultry farm.

We have 3 children. String Bean is a 4 year old boy who is my little sour patch kid. He’s sweet but sour at times. He’s smart, funny, lovable and too smart for his own good sometimes. He’s my little helper and buddy. Sweet Pea is a 2 year old little girl. She’s the most sassy and sweet child I know. She my partner in crime with housework. She also mothers her siblings. Then we have Butter Bean who is a little boy, who will turn 1 in March. He has a big personality. He’s so happy and sweet but can have a temper on him if he doesn’t get what he wants right away and is in the right kind of mood to throw a good fit for it.

I have no real label. I am kind of crunchy but kind of not. I cloth diaper, breastfeed, baby wear, and prefer to practice attachment parenting to an extent. I have used disposables, formula fed, made my babies cry it out and done other things “attachment” moms wouldn’t agree with. If I have to do something else for one of my children or my sanity, I will.

This blog is for my daily adventures and thoughts as I “wander” through my life as a farmer and wife to a farmer.

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