Hellish 2 weeks, Week 1.

So much has been happening. The last 2 weeks have been…hell.

In my last post I wrote that I was looking to start bleeding from what I suspected to be a chemical pregnancy. I never did. I’ve been bloated ever since. My pregnancy tests are still negative and I had a positive opk 6 days ago where I could physically feel my body ovulate a day and a half later. I did some research and found out that the pregnancy tests I had positives on have a very high false positive rate and are basically worthless. I left a nasty review and went on with life.

The week before Thanksgiving week we all had a pretty rough cold. I had been having a bad pain shooting through my neck all week too. The week also started out with my daughter having a pimple on her bottom. I noticed it, getting her out of the tub…it had a little pus in it. I figured it would just clear up. It was just a pimple and it was small. By that Friday it looked like it was starting to become an abscess.

Saturday night it was looking a little more rough. The pediatrician was closed and our local urgent care is not very helpful (the last time we went, they told us to take our kids to a pediatrician rather than there because they aren’t certified to work with kids under the age of 4…Our area just SUCKS for healthcare) so my husband scratched the head off of it and tried to squeeze it. A little pus came out and we could feel the head down inside. We left it alone.

Sunday, my hubby’s family came to visit. Just because. They bought pizza. I was sick. SO sick. I also had cramping and weird pulling pains in my abdomen and thought sure I was going to start bleeding. My neck was hurting so bad by this point (2 weeks after it initially started hurting) that I couldn’t even turn my head. Sweet Pea’s butt was really swollen up big and definitely an abscess. It was hard for her to walk. Hubbs gets abscesses fairly often and pops them himself…so we tried to drain it a bit before we put her to bed to relieve a little pressure. When Hubbs squeezed it, a large amount of pus came out. We cleaned her up and put her to bed, hoping it would start to clear up a little.

The next day, on Monday morning, she was crying in pain from it and her whole butt cheek was swollen and hard as a rock. She would not put any pressure on that leg and limped around the house. I pulled the head off to relieve some pressure and cheesy, pus poured out. On the way to drop String Bean off at preschool, we grabbed breakfast because we had had a crazy Saturday and company was up on Sunday plus I was still sick. My neck was killing me. We were already running 10 mins behind schedule. About 10 mins from the school…at the time we should have been pulling in to the school, Sweet Pea started throwing up. I gave her a cup and caught it. I called the school and told them what was going on and that I needed to take her to the doctor. I called the Pediatrician and they scheduled us an appointment for late morning.

I am not fond of my children’s pediatricians office. I hate it. It’s the only one close enough, where I have family close enough to come help me if I need it, with at least 1 good doctor. She’s very rare to be able to get in with though. The town is 45 mins from us and 45 mins from our family so we can meet in the middle if I need help which is the biggest reason why I go there.

I begrudgingly called my mom to come meet me to help with the boys. She helps…but when she’s around things get completely chaotic. She helps but she doesn’t. I’d probably be better off going myself. She agreed and dragged my poor gramma along. When we got in there, the ped said that it didn’t seem like a full on abscess yet and would probably clear up on it’s own. She told me to have my husband continue to drain it (squeeze it to relieve it and keep our baby in pain…) and if it continued to get worse to bring her back in. She said to watch it for 2-3 days and bring her back in if it wasn’t getting better by the third day. (It was already bad.) The Ped also gave her an oral Bactrin prescription. That pediatrician was absolutely nuts! It was most certainly an abscess and should have been dealt with right then and there. Her entire butt cheek was swollen and rock hard. I *would* have asked for a second opinion but honestly…I’ve not met but one doctor at that practice who knows what they’re doing. They’ve mis diagnosed my children more times than I can count. I typically end up going in up to 4 or even 5 times before they are diagnosed right and I just didn’t have it in me to deal with them, my mom and 3 small children, 45 minutes from home, the week of thanksgiving (which I was supposed to host).

Tuesday it was even worse. I tried to pull the head off and couldn’t. I didn’t want to hurt her so I left it go. Giving her the Bactrin was hell too. She hates medicine. I began giving her motrin at bedtime.

Wednesday we were all finally getting over our colds. Sweet Pea, cried and fussed on and off all day. Butter Bean started working on getting in 6 (!!!) teeth at one time and was clingy, fussy, crying all day long, along with Sweet Pea fussing and crying. I’ve never had a kid get that many teeth at one time. String Bean laid around and watched t.v. all day. That night, the head was black with a white ring around it. Hubbs told me to disinfect some tweezers because she needed relief. I gave him the tweezers and held her for him. He pulled the head off and pus shot out everywhere. He tried to squeeze it some but had to stop because she started throwing up from the pain. I was so mad at our pediatrician. I decided the next morning, she was going to their walk in clinic if it was open (Thanksgiving).

Thanksgiving morning around 2 a.m. I was having the weirdest dream. It was so realistic. Something made me jump awake out of the dream. I had no idea why but mommy sense told me to get to String Bean. I immediately rushed to my oldest child, who shares our room with us for the time being, and just as my mommy senses warned me…he wasn’t breathing. He was silently choking in his sleep on vomit. I grabbed him up and started shaking him to get him to breathe. I kept saying his name then pushed him forward over my knees and started hitting his back. He started to cough then threw up all over the place. I hit my husband, who was still snoring away, on the leg and yelled at him to get up and help me get String Bean to the bathroom. The rest of the morning, he threw up every hour. At 6a.m. he started with diarrhea. Finally around 10 a.m. he held down some milk. We took a bowl with us to visit family. We stopped at urgent care to get Sweet Pea checked out and to get my neck checked because at this point, I couldn’t turn it at all. I had a headache and my ear was throbbing. There weren’t any open. When we got to my family’s place, Sweet Pea was in a lot of pain. We pulled the head off of her abscess and a ton of stuff came out. It shot up in the air about 6 inches off of her bottom then drained. The rest of the day, it continued to drain. That afternoon I was feeling rough. By the time we got to my in-laws to pick up one of our vehicles that we had left there, I was so sick and dizzy that I couldn’t stand up straight. My whole body hurt and ached. I never threw up or anything but I was miserable. We left the vehicle there. As soon as we got home, I went straight to bed. It was only 9:30pm which is early for me.


Stay tuned for part 2…the weekend and surgery.




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