4:00 p.m.

4:00 p.m. everyday, I feel like I’m going to flip my shit. Literally. It’s total witching hour here at our house.

Every. Single. Day. At exactly 4:00 in the afternoon my children, all 3 kids and our dog, go absolutely insane. There is screaming, destroying the house, yelling, fighting, laughing, dancing, tantrums, peeing on the floor, pooping/peeing in the potty and carrying it around the house while yelling “Maaaamaa! I pooped!”, hitting, wrestling, timeout,  climbing the walls, climbing my legs and pulling my pants down as they do, breaking into the snack cupboard, screaming for more milk (water, ice…whatever…), more fighting, more laughing, more screaming…etc.

The dog runs back and forth, jumping up and down, barking, nipping (she’s only 3 months old)…etc.

It all repeats itself and I feel my mind teetering on the edge of sanity.

Today I am on that edge. Holy moly these kids are extremely exhausting.

They have done a complete destruction derby on my home since preschool pickup (early…joy!) at 2 today. It’s now 4:30. I mean the whole house is destroyed. I cannot even explain how bad it is.  It’s snowing…we are right in the center of the whole blizzard path.

Everything is going A-wall.

I just made a pot of coffee and started gulping down my first cup. My wonderful hubby is bringing home pizza for dinner to save me. Thank God for that  man.

My oldest, along with his ear infection, has also developed croup I’m sure. He’s bark-coughing. My youngest decided that 10:30 at night is a great time to wake up and be up until 2, playing and exploring last night because he is at a point of learning new things like walking… I haven’t slept even a half a night in…a week or more? My hubby was to have off this weekend but is now going to be plowing snow at least all day tomorrow. He’ll leave here at 3 or 4 in the morning tomorrow and I’ll be snowed in with 3 kids all day…after not sleeping all week.

We don’t have a snow suit that fits the oldest because I was terribly unprepared for a blizzard.

I’m planning to chug more coffee and stay up most of the night clean my house and possibly finish laundry and meal plan for a really REALLY busy week ahead, while I keep an eye on my sick 4 year old…I’m almost certain the baby is next in line for croup.

Tomorrow we are hoping to bake cookies, play in the snow, and consume hot cocoa. Hopefully it’s a less chaotic day…




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